Paw pad issues and licking

 Paw licking is normal in dogs but excessively licking the paw? Nah ah! Don't wait for anything if you see your licking his or her paws excessively. 

My dog's paw pad color is black,  except for one it is pink, is this normal?....

Hey guys, welcome back after a long time. I was a bit busy and so I couldn't do any posts for a while, but here I am now for clearing some mind tackling doubts from dog owners. 

I've been having a lot of crazy cool , funny experiences with my pets and it was a nice time, and I will be speaking about that later in my next post. Now here's the answers to the above mentioned doubts.

Doubt no : 1 

One year old panda German shepherd has all black paw pad except for one one of his paw pad is pink is this normal ?

Well according to my experience with dogs and to me it seems normal, because, my dog has three of his paw pads on one leg pink and the other black. And he does not have any other health issues if it was a symptom of any disease.

Well, if you need a more clarified explanation, here you go,

The pads of the feet of dogs have specialized skin, very different from our 

own, or from the skin on other parts of the canine anatomy. 

Cuts, scrapes, and broken nails may require specialized treatment and veterinary care. Although injury to the paw pad and surrounding area can happen to any dog, some steps can be taken to help reduce the risks, including using the proper gear for your environment, keeping your dog’s paw pads moisturized, and keeping his nails properly trimmed.

The pads of canine feet have specialized skin that does not heal in the same way as normal skin and requires veterinary evaluation and treatment for moderate to severe injuries and conditions.

Symptoms of paw pad issues or injuries in dogs

General symptoms of paw pad injury may or may not require veterinary care. If you are unsure, it is best to call your veterinarian for advice. 

  • Inflamed, raw, or blistered paws
  • Limping
  • Loose flaps of skin on paw pads
  • Refusal to walk
  • Sudden obsessive licking or chewing at paws
  • Uncharacteristic pulling

If your pet exhibits these symptoms, a visit to the veterinarian is likely to be required

We will be discussing more on it in the next post.

Doubt no: 2 

Why is my dog excessively licking his paws ?

Paw licking is a common behavior in dogs, but a healthy dog should not excessively paw lick, and a history of excessive licking could be a red flag for a more serious problem. While it's true they might simply be grooming themselves, paw chewing could indicate something more going on if they are doing it all the time.

 It doesn't help that all that constant foot licking can also cause a secondary infection (bacterial or yeast) due to the extra moisture.

An allergic reaction in the skin is the most common reason why dogs will chew their paws excessively. The good news here is that many of the causes of a dog's paw licking can be resolved with home treatment alone.

So, guys , that's it for today, hope you enjoyed it.

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See you on my next post, till then, bye !!!


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