A New Member [ part 2 ]

 OMG!!! I can't stop telling about my cat. She is cute, naughty, curious and whatever you can say when you see a cute, small kitten. I have heard people screaming for a male cat rather than a female and I haven't found any difficulty in raising a female kitten. Maybe later, after she's grown a bit, it maybe difficult for some people but not for me. Most of the time I've heard people crying out for a male dog too and people will abandon the females. Well I feel sorry for it and take it home and take care of it as much as a 13 year old can. I've always been an animal and pet lover since I was young. And my cat which is our new member was also abandoned by someone. She was just 2 months old and my parents were telling me not to take her at first. But what could be done ? So just like any other person who loves these animals, I also took her and raised her. Well now, I am a proud caretaker and mistress of her. LOL! Yesterday she almost made me skip a heartbeat. What did she do? No, she did not do anything much. She was just running around the terrace chasing her big red ping pong ball and then she jumped on top of the wall and suddenly she slipped and she was dropped like maybe 11 feet to the ground or something. Oh, good gracious! Luckily she was alright and just like they say a cat always fall on their feet. But since she is just a kitten, just like other kittens, she was all scared and her tail was bushier than ever. And some people say that cats are not as friendlier or they would not care for their masters. Who said that? I've got a proof telling that cats do care for their masters. Last day I went over to my grandma's and my cat was left in at my house and I was not able to get home that day because of rain and I had to stay there. And do you know what happened over my house? My cat was gloomily searching for me all around my house with sad meows. Poor girl! When I returned the next day she was happy as a boy who is seeing Disney Land for the first time. And this Christmas I'm trying to get her a new collar maybe or something even better maybe a new friend or something like a new cat. I have not told anyone about it yet but I would love one and won't it be so good to see your cat playing with her new friend and sharing food? Anyways, I won't be sad if I do not get one too as I have her and she is all I need. 

So stay tuned everyone for the upcoming updates on my life with my cat and some answers to the questions on pets. Till then, bye!!!


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